Monday, March 29, 2010

eBook Publishing: Producing the Final Product

People inexperienced with how to publish an eBook sometimes overcomplicate how difficult it is to “publish” their work. In reality, all you really need to do is write your book and then convert your document into a pdf. Of course writing your eBook is easier said than done, and you will have to find a topic and the inspiration to write on your own. As for the actual task of writing your book, Microsoft Word is best, but there are free alternatives out there, for example, Open Office. Either program will give you the ability to write your book, and then layout the text and images that make it up.

Once you have finalized your eBook, you will want to have someone proof read it for you, and give you critique. Depending on the outcome of this process, you may want to spend some time additional time editing your work, and even rewriting parts of it. Get it perfect, and ready to go to press.

The final step of publishing your eBook is figuring out how you will convert your document into a pdf. The best program for doing so is the original, Adobe Acrobat, but you do have other options. For example, if you have Vista and Office, Word will allow you to save a document as a .pdf, but you may have trouble protecting your work. If this is the case, try to find someone that has Acrobat and can password protect your document and block people from copying and pasting the text within it.

The eBook industry has it’s fair share of scammers and con-men. Everywhere you look, slick marketers are pushing products that claim they can help you make hundreds, thousands, even millions of dollars. Quite frankly, it’s way past the point of insanity.

For the upstart eBook publisher, it is very easily to get wrapped up in the mentality that results are both easy and instant. This is absolutely not the case, and it takes lots of hard work before one can start to generate regular income online from selling eBooks. However, once you get the momentum moving in the right directions, the sales will naturally follow, and as you learn what works and why the entire process becomes much easier to understand.

The scammers selling instant results never give you the real secret, that making money publishing eBooks really requires a long term perspective. They know that the best way to sell books is to lie and tell you that results are instant and there is no real work required, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Learning to build a sales focused website that converts targeted traffic into customers is an art-form, and unless you put in the work required to learn what it is all about, you will never find eBook publishing success. Rather than setting yourself up for failure by expecting short term results, craft your sales and marketing approach for the long term.

After all, once you publish an eBook you can literally sell it forever, so it is not so important how many you sell in the first few months, it is more important on how many you sell the first year, and whether or not you can get it to the point of a few hundred visitors and a few sales a day. With the proper eBook publishing perspective, it is entirely possible.

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